Europe Day opening debate

lördag 7 maj 2022 11:00 12:00



Did you know that every 9 May marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, considered to be the starting point of the European Union?  Did you also know that one year ago, the Conference on the Future of Europe was launched to collect the ideas of citizens and hear what they want for the future?

To celebrate this special date, the European Parliament organises on Saturday 7 May a Europe Day full of activities and musical performances. Join us for the “Europe Day opening debate” at 11:00 CEST live from the Hemicycle in Brussels with the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Othmar Karas. It will be your chance to ask him questions directly and talk about Europe! The session will be moderated by Jochem Jordaan from de Kiesmannen & Jahkini Bisselink.

This activity will be have interpretation in English, French, German, Dutch, Ukrainian and International Sign Language.

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