2022 European Quality Assurance Forum

Shaping or sharing? QA in a value-driven EHEA

Πέμπτη 17 Νοεμβρίου 2022 1:00 μ.μ.
Σάββατο 19 Νοεμβρίου 2022 2:30 μ.μ.



The 2022 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) will be hosted from 17 to 19 November by West University of Timisoara, Romania. The Forum, entitled “Shaping or sharing? QA in a value-driven EHEA”, will combine sessions about European policies and trends, research, and practical case examples related to the Forum theme and more generally about current developments in quality assurance. Shared values of democratic higher education systems – such as academic freedom, institutional autonomy, student participation in governance of higher education institutions, inclusion and equity – are at the core of the EHEA. These values should consolidate and unite higher education systems and foster international cooperation and mobility, while allowing the institutions to independently develop their own goals. Recent societal challenges have emphasised the need for policy makers, higher education institutions and QA agencies to continuously discuss these values and ensure that they are upheld, protected and promoted across the EHEA. The 2022 EQAF will offer an occasion to discuss the role of QA in shaping, safeguarding and promoting shared values. The Forum will address questions such as how to build public confidence in higher education institutions as autonomous scientific institutions that promote academic freedom, integrity and reliable evidence. It will explore how equity, inclusion and student participation in governance and QA of higher education are promoted and supported. Finally, the Forum will invite the audience to reflect on how to ensure value-driven international collaboration in higher education. During the Forum, paper sessions, workshops and practice presentations will provide space for more in-depth exchange about research, policy initiatives and practical case examples related to the Forum theme and more generally about current developments in QA. This year’s Forum will take place on-site and will provide participants with opportunities for discussions, debates and networking, also outside the formal programme. The sessions will facilitate audience interaction to allow participants to gain the most from the event. The Forum will be of interest to rectors and vice-rectors responsible for quality assurance, quality assurance officers in higher education institutions, students, quality assurance agency staff and researchers working in higher education or in the quality assurance field.

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