Nature & EU laws

четвъртък 23 май 2024 г. 10:00 ч.
неделя 9 юни 2024 г. 10:15 ч.



Video campaign: In recent years Greece has experienced unprecedented environmental disasters. From mega-fires, widespread drought and floods. Rural communities and primary sector workers in general are suffering the effects of this reality to a disproportionate degree. All this is not uncontrollable natural disasters, but only the tip of the iceberg of what will unfortunately happen if the governments concerned continue to neglect EU and national environmental legislation, as well as the Constitution. Our health, both as individuals and as a society, depends on resilient and balanced ecosystems. Without them, we will not have access to food, drinking water and clean air. Let alone prosperity and a good standard of living. The next five years will be perhaps the most crucial for our future than ever before, given the turning point of the rule of law in Greece and in Europe. With your vote in the upcoming European elections you can contribute to the restoration of nature and the European Green Deal, and help shape a more inclusive and sustainable Europe. Don't leave your fate in the hands of corrupt politicians and vested interests. Vote.

The video is available here: