• Čo je Európsky parlament?
    • Vitaj na tomto kurze!
    • Ako funguje Európsky parlament
    • Čo je Európsky parlament?
      • The political groups of the European Parliament
      • The President of the European Parliament
      • The EU decision making process
  • Európske voľby
    • What is the European Parliament 2 SK
      • What is the European Parliament?
    • Popis „Európske voľby“_SK
    • Rozhovor o európskych voľbách
      • Petition to the European Parliament
      • eLearning module on how to submit petitions within the EU competencies
      • European citizens' initiative
      • European Ombudsman
      • What Europe does for me
      • Contacts to Members of the European Parliament
  • Záverečný kvíz
    • Otestuj svoje vedomosti!