The Eurobubble on Twitch? An MEP-Assistant Presents His Project

quinta-feira 25 de março de 2021 19:00 20:30


9 Participantes

What we are going to talk about

First created to have a few laughs about the life as a parliamentary assistant, Mepassistant became one of the main satirical (but not only) figure of the Eurobubble Twittosphere.

After leaving the European Parliament, he recently launched the first-ever Eurobubble channel on the popular live-streaming platform Twitch. This channel, through interviews and other events, aims to put faces on the European Union, learn about it, and to recreate positive contact and interaction between EU experts and EU citizens.

How did he come up with the project? Why Twitch? How does the organization work in the background and what is his motivation?

Let’s talk with him about how he realized his project and what challenges he faced. He will answer your questions and use your ideas!

Speaker: @MEPAssistant 

The event will take place on Discord, find out how to join the event on

What is MeetEU?

We are a network of volunteers who participated in the European Parliament's #thistimeimvoting and now campaign. The high voter turnout in the European elections motivated us to stay involved. Why not connect with all these amazing people across Europe? That's why in November 2019 we set up a MeetEU pilot group with people from different European countries to meet on the free online platform Discord. In March 2020 we opened the MeetEU Discord server for all supporters, in April 2020 for the general public. The initial monthly discussions have now become one event per week. Great, the European exchange of ideas is picking up speed!

Find out more on how to join the event on 

Odoo • A picture with a caption