Keep Me Close

Vote with her in Lithuania

We kindly invite you to the opening of the photography exhibition “Keep me close” and the screening of the film “Blue blood” that won the international awards. This event is organised by the Klaipeda Social and Psychological Support Centre (KSPSC), hosted by Klaipeda University with the support go the Palanga Municipality. It will bring attention to the institutional violence endured by mothers who migrate inside the EU and how this can be addressed in the context of the forthcoming EU Parliament elections. This exhibition, created by a Lithuanian director, journalist, mother Diana Marios Olsson, who is currently resident in Denmark, presents a remarkable visual account of a woman's personal experience of domestic and institutional violence. Photographs that capture her and her son's sensitive moments in Paris, Chicago, Copenhagen. This is a unique opportunity to get to know the story of a mother who loves and has lost her child, which has become a symbol in the fight against domestic violence.

Link del evento