Disinformation and online manipulation - train your verification skills!

csütörtök 2021. június 10. 17:00 18:00



Are you a together.eu volunteer?

Then join our Facebook Live on online manipulation in the Facebook group ‘Together.eu – The pan-European volunteers community’ on Thursday 10 June at 17.00 CET.

Let's be honest, we all have been fooled online. We all have been brought up to believe into something false and, perhaps, we have even shared it with others.

In this Facebook Live you will discover: 

  • three online manipulation tactics commonly used in disinformation campaigns : fake social media accounts, fake social media engagement and doctored images

  • how to use some free open source tools to check if someone is trying to fool you with these tactics!

This workshop will be given by Luca Alagna and Chiara Pacenti, Disinformation Analysts at the European Parliament.


It will take place in the Facebook group ‘Together.eu – The pan-European volunteers community’.


If you are not yet a member of the Facebook group, please make sure you answer the membership questions when requesting to join. The group is reserved for together.eu members that have chosen to be actively involved and indicated they want to be a volunteer when subscribing on the website. Even if you are not very active yet as a volunteer, but curious to learn more, you are very welcome to join.


We are looking forward to exchanging with you!