‘Volunteer of the Month’ Facebook Live with Georgiana Moldoveanu

mercredi 19 mai 2021 17:00 18:00
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‘Volunteer of the Month’ Facebook Live with Georgiana Moldoveanu

Are you a together.eu volunteer? Then the ‘Volunteer of the Month’ Facebook Live is the opportunity for you to meet other together.eu volunteers from different EU countries and learn from their experience. 

Each month, one volunteer will share with the community her/his story. You will be able to ask all your questions during the Live!

The next Live will be on Wednesday 19 May at 17.00 CET with Georgiana Moldoveanu.

‘Volunteer of the Month’ Facebook Live with Georgiana Moldoveanu

Georgiana is a high school English teacher in Romania. With her high school students, they organised a EU treasure hunt in their city to encourage people to go vote at the 2019 European elections. Since then she continues to empower youngsters to organise activities by themselves and she receives EU funding to finance the activities.

In this Live she will share with you useful tips based on her experience:

  1. how she manages to motivate youngsters to organise events

  2. how they organised the treasure hunt

  3. how to get EU funding to support your activities

Who knows, you might want to join her or will get inspired to develop similar projects in your country!

This event is in English only. It will take place in the Facebook group ‘Together.eu – The pan-European volunteers community’

If you are not yet a member of the group, please make sure you answer the membership questions when requesting to join. The group is reserved for together.eu members that have chosen to be actively involved and indicated they want to be a volunteer when subscribing on the website. Even if you are not very active yet as a volunteer, but curious to learn more, you are very welcome to join.

We are looking forward to exchanging with you!