Win a trip to the Democracy Event in Brussels!

kolmapäev 13. juuli 2022 08:25
pühapäev 4. september 2022 23:59



Join our challenge!

Next 28-29 October, "Level Up! Accelerating change" is taking place at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event is organised by the European Youth Forum, in collaboration with the European Parliament and the European Commission in the context of the European Year Of Youth. More info on the event -->

We’ll invite 3 people between 18 and 30 years old who are citizens or residents of an EU country to attend this exciting event.

Do you want to be one of them? Just enter the competition by following these simple steps:  

1If you are already member of, log in and then click on "Register" on this page to join the competition. 

2. If you are not a member yet, click on "Register" and follow the steps. 

3. Go to and copy the unique link that appears under the ‘Your engagement’ section. 

4. Ask as many friends as you can to register in using your unique link. 

5. If you or your friends want to receive our updates on youth opportunities, make sure to select the interest "young people" in your personal area. 

The 3 participants who registered the biggest number of new contacts will win! 

The deadline to take part is 4 September at 23:59 CEST! 

For more information about the competition, please read our terms and conditions page.   

If you have any questions, please contact: Please include ‘Level Up! Competition’ in the subject line. 

Good luck!