EU Migration Policy – European (political) Family Drama

jueves 15 de abril de 2021 18:00 19:30

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What we are going to talk about

Migration raises high hopes and deep fears: hopes for the migrants themselves, for whom migration often embodies the promise of a better future (Haas, p.1, 2019). At the same time, migration is met with ambiguity in the several European Member States and over the past couple of years, anti-migration views have grown among its European citizens.

Since 2015, the European Union has implemented several measures to control migration flows better (European Council, 2021). Europe is reshaping its EU Migration Policy, with deals like the EU-Turkey Migration Deal, expanding the border protection agency Frontex and trying to distribute migrants equally among its Member States.

What is the EU Migration Policy, what kind of deals has the EU in place and does it work? In this first session on MeetEU, we will discuss current policies and current events and explain the different types of migration. In our second session, we will attempt to invite an MEP and try to come up with solutions for a better migration policy.

This event is going to take place on Discord. You can join with this link:


What is MeetEU?

We are a network of volunteers who participated in the European Parliament's #thistimeimvoting and now campaign. The high voter turnout in the European elections motivated us to stay involved. Why not connect with all these amazing people across Europe? That's why in November 2019 we set up a MeetEU pilot group with people from different European countries to meet on the free online platform Discord. In March 2020 we opened the MeetEU Discord server for all supporters, in April 2020 for the general public. The initial monthly discussions have now become one event per week. Great, the European exchange of ideas is picking up speed!

Find out more on how to join the event on 

Odoo • A picture with a caption